WOLFPAKK: The melodic metal allstar project releases new album on April 28th!

WOLFPAKK: The melodic metal allstar project releases new album on April 28th!

It's time for the fourth installment of WOLFPAKK, the melodic metal allstar project led by Mark Sweeney (ex-Crystal Ball) and Michael Voss (Mad Max, Michael Schenker). Once again the two experienced...

BOREALIS: "Fall From Grace" re-issue to be released on April 7th! Du liest WOLFPAKK: The melodic metal allstar project releases new album on April 28th! 1 Minute Weiter EKTOMORF announce release of new DVD/CD "Warpath"!

WOLFPAKK, das Melodic Metal-Allstar-Projekt um die beiden Leitwölfe Mark Sweeney (ex-Crystal Ball) und Michael Voss (Mad Max, Michael Schenker), bereitet sich auf den vierten Beutezug vor. "Wolves Reign" erscheint am 28. April und enthält 11 starke neue Kompositionen, die von insgesamt 26 "Gastwölfen" veredelt werden. Darunter Biff Byford (Saxon), George Lynch (Dokken), Rudy Sarzo (Ozzy Osbourne), Ronnie Atkins (Pretty Maids), Rudy Sarzo (Ozzy Osbourne), Tony Harnell (TNT), Chris Holmes (W.A.S.P.), Oliver Hartmann (Avantasia), Timo Somers (Delain), Brad Gillis (Night Ranger), Pasi Rantanen (Thunderstone), Danny Vaughn (Tyketto), Michael Vescera (Yngwie Malmsteen) u.v.a..